How often should a dog drink water on a long walk?

How often should a dog drink water on a long walk?

If you are an avid pet owner, chances are you know how important it is to make sure your dog stays hydrated. When taking your pup out for a long walkit is equally important that they have access to water. But how often should your pup drink water during those longer outings?

The answer will depend largely on the current weather conditions as well as the age and breed of your dog. Hot days require more frequent, shorter breaks for your pup to rehydrate than cooler days with lower humidity. If you’re unsure about whether Fido needs a break, watch for signs like heavy panting, fatigue and drooping head or tail - all indications that it may be time for some fresh water.

Younger dogs, particularly puppies, generally need more frequent breaks in addition to drinking water. Unless they’re used to strenuous activity, puppies can tire quickly when out on a walk so giving them multiple opportunities to rest is essential to avoiding injury or extreme exhaustion. You can also keep an eye out for excessive trolling which is a sign of heatstroke - look for excessive drooling, loss of coordination and laboured breathing and head indoors immediately if you notice these signs.

In spite of differing levels of activity and tolerance, what applies universally is that every active dog needs access to plenty of clean, fresh and safe drinking water at regular intervals throughout the day both during long walks and at home. Dogs typically do not drink as much as their humans so they must be encouraged - try carrying treats when you break to encourage dogs who typically shy away from drinking water.

So how often should dogs drink water while out on long walks? Typically every 20-30 minutes at minimum - but depending on factors such as weather or breed you know best whether your doggo needs more or less frequent breaks. As always consult with your veterinarian if you are concerned about any aspect of your pets health.

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